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Plant a Sunflower

venue addressCanons Ashby NT Canons Ashby Northamptonshire NN11 3SD
event dateSat 3 May to Monday 5 May
event times11.00 am to 2.00 pm

£1 per sunflower plus normal admission price
telephone 01327 861900 for latest times or cancellations.
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Plant a Sunflower

Plant a sunflower seedling in a compostable pot to take home and grow. Keep in touch with us on social media and let us know how high it grows. You can plant your sunflower outside in the ground, or in a bigger pot. Come back later in the summer to see how big our sunflowers in the garden are getting. £1 per sunflower which will help us to care for this special place. Normal admission prices apply.

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