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We Three Kings of Rock n Roll

venue addressEastgate Theatre, Eastgate, Peebles, Edinburgh County EH45 8AD
event dateThursday 13 March and Friday 14 March
event times7:30pm - 10pm

telephone 01721 725 777 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

We Three Kings of Rock n Roll

Three Artists perform the music of three Icons of Rock n Roll. Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly, & Elvis Presley.

Roy Orbison, played by Steve Place will perform the hit’s from ‘In Dreams’, to ‘I Drove all Night’.
Hit after hit, Steve will have you believing Roy is back in the room, Roy was not only popular for his Ballads, but plays a Mean Woman Blues to perfection!

Marc Robinson and his four-piece Band ‘The Counterfeit Crickets’ pay attention to detail with a tribute to Buddy Holly, with authentic attire, horned rimmed glasses and the famous Stratocaster Guitar.
Marc Robinson from the original ‘Stars in their Eyes’ Show and ‘Buddy’ The Musical, creates nostalgic memories with songs that include……. ‘Heartbeat’, ‘It Doesn’t Matter Anymore’, ‘Peggy Sue’ and ‘True Love Ways’!

ELVIS, what more can you say, the true King of Rock n Roll himself, Lots of classics…. ‘That’s all-right Mama’, ‘G.I. Blues’, &’ Devil in Disguise’ to name but a few, from the ‘BBC Elvis Show’ and many more hit Shows around Great Britain& Europe, plus performances in Las Vegas, Steve Halliday, with authentic costume changes will transport you back to the days when Rock n Roll was King!

Rock n Roll at its finest!
Will Rock n Roll in Peebles ever Die? That’ll be the Day!

Suits all ages
Starts 7.30pm
Finish 10pm