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Kiss Me, Kate - the enchanting Cole Porter musical

venue addressKing Alfred’s Academy Theatre, Portway, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 9BY
event dateThu 10 Apr to Saturday 12 April
event timesEvening performances -
Door 6.45pm
Curtain 7.30pm
Tickets £16

Saturday matinee -
Door 1.45pm
Curtain 2.30pm
Tickets £12
telephone 07894146999 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Kiss Me, Kate - the enchanting Cole Porter musical

Cole Porter’s legendary musical comedy has backstage shenanigans, Shakespearean sonnets and singing gangsters – not to mention a romance that’s just too darn hot – and a full-scale orchestra performing the show tune classics Brush Up Your Shakespeare, Too Darn Hot, Always True To You (In my Fashion) and Tom, Dick or Harry.

A simple love story about two people who just can’t stand each other, Kiss Me Kate is unmissable all-zinging entertainment with ‘great songs, hot dancing, smart gags and glorious characters'

Four shows Thursday to Saturday at 7.30pm nightly, with a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm
Bar is open from 6.45pm ...join us for a pre-show drink
King Alfred's Academy Theatre
KAs Centre Site
OX12 9BY

Portway car park (The Beacon)
OX12 9BU