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The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Willaims

venue addressADC Theatre, Park Street,Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB5 8AS
event dateTue 15 Apr to Saturday 19 April
event times7.45 pm Tuesday 15th - Saturday 19th April 2025 (Matinee 2.30 pm Sat 19th)

TUE–THU £12.00-£16, FRI–SAT £14.00–£18.00
telephone 01223300085 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Willaims

The classic of American theatre that established Tennessee Williams' reputation as one of the greatest writers of the 20th century.

With intriguing characters and themes that are as relevant today as when they first appeared on stage, The Glass Menagerie is a moving portrayal of a family on the brink of change. As a memory play, it has a unique setting and skillfully explores the love, loyalty, humour and resentment that can either bind a family together or break them apart. Largely based on Tennessee Williams' own family, this is a fascinating insight into both the writer and his work.