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venue addressMacready Theatre, Lawrence Sheriff Street, Rugby, Warwickshire CV22 5DA
event dateMonday 24 March
event times7:30pm
Full price: £15 / Conc: £12
School discounts available, email info@macreadytheatre.co.uk
telephone 02072429200 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event


Roshni is an intimate crafting of Kathak dance and live global music, inspired by the stories and experiences of everyday people. Featuring three distinctive dance pieces: The Call, The Light and The Wave, Roshni explores the highs and lows of life today and provides hope in an ever-changing world.

Be taken on an emotional journey through wordless storytelling, eclectic music, percussive dance and upbeat audience interaction, ROSHNI is both deeply moving and gloriously entertaining. With improvised and spoken word/beatboxing sections like no other, and a world class live musical ensemble, not one performance of Roshni is the same as the last!