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Circus Berlin

From the producers of some of the World’s finest Circuses comes a brand new show specially created for a brilliant UK Tour in 2025.
Continental Circus Berlin with an amalgamation of brilliant Circus acts from all 4 corners of the globe, music & real youthful energy, incorporating fantastic EXTREME® performers from all over the world.
In an age where so much entertainment is unreal, made up of special effects, CGI and has a virtual reality, being pre-recorded, multi-tracked, digitally enhanced or in some other way electronically created – the sheer reality of a live show is a breath of fresh air and the feats and skills seen at Continental Circus Berlin are often so amazing that the Circus-goer literally can not believe their eyes.
Acts include a sensational high wire which has never been seen before in the UK, with the troupe flying in all the way from Spain & Africa for the performance.
Our stunt riding team will also be performing the Globe of Death. The most death-defying trick ever completed, watch as the group of riders experience G-force similar to that of a fighter pilot, they loop vertically and horizontally all while encased in a mesh sphere. This is one for the petrolheads!
event dateWed 23 Apr to Sunday 27 April
venue addressAscot Racecourse Car Park 6 Berkshire SL5 7HS
event timesFrom £10-£34
Wed April 23rd… 7pm ONLY
Thur April 24th... 5pm & 7.45pm
Fri April 25th... 5pm & 7.45pm
Sat April 26th… 2pm. 5pm & 7.45pm
Sun April 27th... 12 Noon & 3pm
telephone 07494774008 for latest times or cancellations.
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