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Stockport Vinyl Record Fair, Sunday 16th March 2025

venue addressThe Guildhall, 169 Wellington Road South, Stockport, Cheshire SK1 3UA
event dateSunday 16 March
event timesThe fair runs from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Entry costs £1 per person at the door on the day, (and £5.00 per person charge for early entry from 9:00 AM). It's £1.00 to park in the car park which is at the back of the building on Brentnall Street.
telephone 07305485952 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Stockport Vinyl Record Fair, Sunday 16th March 2025

The Stockport Vinyl Record Fair is held every couple of months throughout the year inside the Masonic Guildhall, which is at 169 Wellington Road South, Stockport, SK1 3UA.

With an average of 25 traders each time across the Guildhall's two ground-floor rooms, we have tons of Vinyl Records and CDs on offer. There are albums and singles, and always new as well as pre-loved stuff in practically all music genres.

The venue is just a few minutes from junction 1 of the M60. Follow the signs for the centre of Stockport until you reach the A6 main road to Buxton and we are a few yards past the Town Hall, opposite Stockport College. The 192 bus stop is right outside, the Co-op is next door and a couple of cash machines are available very close by.