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Ruth Ascher Piano Masterclass 2025

Ruth Ascher Piano Masterclass 2025

venue addressSt Joseph’s College, Upper Redlands Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5JT
event dateSaturday 29 March
event timesAdmission is by free ticket. Tickets can be obtained by going to www.eventbrite.co.uk and searching for Ruth Ascher in Reading, or by following this link:


Admission is free, because we believe that the Masterclass should be accessible to all - in keeping with Ruth's philosophy. However, we have to secure funding for future events, so we are asking for voluntary donations at the event.
telephone 07553143939 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Ruth Ascher Piano Masterclass 2025

Join us for an unforgettable experience at St Joseph's College where renowned pianist Anthony Williams will be hosting a Piano Masterclass for talented young piano students living in and around Reading, Berkshire.

The Masterclass is hosted by the European Piano Teachers Association (UK) and supported by The Earley Charity and The Berkshire Music Trust.

The event is named after Ruth Ascher, a gifted pianist who led an extraordinary life and died at the age of 96 years in 2010. Ruth left a legacy, which was used to develop the Ruth Ascher Piano Masterclass series. Since then, a total of eight masterclasses have supported 28 young students, nine of whom have participated two or even three times.

Supported by a one-off grant from The Earley Charity, the Masterclass will take place on Saturday, 29 March 2025 from 2:00pm to 5:30pm at St Joseph’s College, Upper Redlands Road, Reading RG1 5JT. There is ample parking on site

This in-person event is a rare opportunity for students to perform before an audience and learn to improve their performance from a renowned piano teacher. Whatever their musical tastes and skills, members of the audience get a rare insight into how great performances are made, and how to listen to the music.

Don't miss out on this chance to be inspired by the students’ talent!