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Choral Spectacular!

venue addressWilton Parish Church, West Street, Wilton, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 0DL
event dateSaturday 5 April
event times7.30pm
Tickets: £18 (£5 students/under 16s)
telephone 07786 331364 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Choral Spectacular!

Hear the massed voices of The Farrant Singers and The Romsey Singers in a fabulous concert of choral favourites in the superb acoustic of the glittering Italianate parish church in Wilton.

Allegri - Miserere
Striggio - Ecce beatam lucem
Reger - Unser lieben Frauen Traum
Brahms - Geistliches Lied
Tallis - Spem in alium
Fauré - Requiem

Conductor - Philip Lawson
Organist - Richard McVeigh