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Cafe Scientifique Leamington Spa March meeting

venue addressSt. Patricks Irish Club, Adelaide Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 5AH
event dateTuesday 18 March
event timesStarts 7.30PM in the upstairs room at St. Patricks Irish Club

All Welcome

Voluntary Collection to cover expenses
telephone 07858 277721 for latest times or cancellations.
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Cafe Scientifique Leamington Spa March meeting

*** Please note the meeting this month is one day later than usual - TUESDAY 18th March***

This month Jan Gillett will be telling us about

Science on the pre-Victorian Railway

In 1825 a famous primitive steam locomotive drew a train of passengers and goods on the Stockton and Darlington railway: just about, for it had many shortcomings. Within ten years multiple improvements on many lines led to the format of steam locomotives that would endure for a hundred years.

This development story has been largely dismissed as trial and error metal bashing. Recent research has however demonstrated that a good deal of systematic, scientific processes were applied, and the bicentenary is an opportunity to make it more widely known.

Many of the lessons they learned back then are relevant to the modern railway and we can use them to understand why there have been so many expensive problems in recent decades.