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Music @ St Martin’s Cello sonatas by Beethoven & Brahms

venue addressSt Martin’s Church Church Street Epsom Surrey KT17 4PX
event dateSaturday 12 April
event times4.30pm - lasting about an hour
Free – donations welcomed from those who can.
telephone 01372722567 for latest times or cancellations.
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Music @ St Martin’s Cello sonatas by Beethoven & Brahms

Join us for an enchanting hour featuring the exceptional talents of cellist Nigel Blomiley and pianist Viv Mclean. The duo performs two profound works from the classical era by two of its greatest composers - Beethoven's Sonata No.3 in A major Op 69, and Brahms' Sonata No.1 in E minor Op 38. Both pieces stir the emotional depths, so we guarantee you’ll be spellbound.