About this Event
Songs and Sonnets Spring Concert by the S.L.S.
The South London Singers welcome you to our Spring Concert. It is full of the texts of William Shakespeare. Surely, after the Bible, the Bard must be the source of the most words set to music? The main work in our concert is by the blind British/American Jazz pianist and composer Sir George Shearing. Amongst his huge output of music, he wrote a few pieces for choirs including 'Songs and Sonnets'. This varied group of partsongs include several with a 'jazzy' feel. His setting of 'Who is Silvia?' is the longest movement and a calm, beautiful piece. As well as the Shearing, the S.L.S. will perform Vaughan Williams' 'Three Shakespeare Songs' and ‘As daisies pied’ and ‘Orpheus with his lute’ by Victorian composer Sir George MacFarren (who also went blind). ‘It was a lover and his lass’ set to a ‘swingy’ tune by John Rutter completes the programme. In addition to the musical numbers, there will be readings of Shakespeare’s output. This will be the first by the S.L.S. to be conducted by our new Director of Music, Christopher Braime. Jack Stone will accompany. To avoid disappointment, please obtain your ticket via our website.