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Emotional Resilience Classes

venue addressSt Hilda’s Hall, Darlington, County Durham DL1 1SQ
event dateThu 20 Mar, Thu 3 Apr, Thu 24 Apr, Thu 8 May
event times9:30-12:15 (incl. a 15 minute break)
£5 per session payable in advance to secure your place.
Booking required.
telephone 01325283169 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Darlington Mind
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About this Event

Emotional Resilience Classes

Learn how to manage stress, stay calm under pressure, and bounce back from tough times. These classes offer practical tools, proven techniques and a supportive environment to help you thrive.

All sessions are stand-alone - choose one or as many as you like!

20th Mar - Mindfulness
3rd Apr - Managing Stress
24th Apr - Building Confidence & Self-Esteem
8th May - Managing Anxiety
22nd May - Building Emotional Resilience