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Alex Garnett Quartet - Friday Jazz Nights at Ladbroke Hall

venue addressLadbroke Hall, 79 Barlby Rd, London W10 6AZ
event dateFriday 4 April
event timesDoors open – 6:30pm
Show begins – 7:45pm
Show ends – 10:00pm
Doors close – midnight

Tickets from £15
telephone 020 8962 8690 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Alex Garnett Quartet - Friday Jazz Nights at Ladbroke Hall

Alex Garnett has been one of the leading saxophonists in the UK and Mainland Europe for over two decades, instantly recognized by his dark, husky sound. A versatile musician, he has enjoyed success as both a jazz artist, composer and arranger, and an in-demand session, studio and commercial saxophonist, having racked up countless recording credits along the way.

Line up:

Will Barry – Piano
Ferg Ireland – Double bass
Will Cleasby – Drums
Alex Garnett – Tenor Saxophone

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