About this Event
Sunset at the Trust
Saturday 31 May | Saturday 21 & 28 June | Saturday 12 & 26 July | Saturday 9 & 23 August.
The Hawk Conservancy Trust invites you to a special summer’s evening with their feathered friends. Against a setting sun, you’ll have the opportunity to meet a wide range of their incredible birds of prey and the dedicated team working alongside them over two flying displays. Step inside the world of these awesome birds to watch them soar, swoop and dive over the grounds at dusk – showing off their skills before your very eyes.
From the speed of falcons to the strength of eagles, you’ll experience the might and power of these amazing birds whilst immersed in the Hampshire countryside, with expert commentary from their team to top off an amazing evening celebrating nature.
Before the display begins, you’ll have time to independently explore the Trust grounds at this tranquil time of day after regular opening hours, and see the birds in their homes settling down for the evening. Why not make this beautiful summer’s evening even more special with a meal out together? Feathers Restaurant will be open offering a tasty selection of food and drink for you to enjoy.
Tickets: £21.95