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Lichfield Folk Dance Club Night

venue addressBader Hall King Edward VI School Lichfield Staffordshire WS14 9DE
event dateMon 17 Mar, Mon 24 Mar, Mon 31 Mar, Mon 7 Apr, Mon 28 Apr, Mon 12 May
event timesAnnual membership £5.
Members £3 per night, Visitors £4. First visit free.
telephone +447443644126 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Lichfield Folk Dance Club Night

A friendly folk dance club, running on Monday nights during school term times from 7.20pm until 9.30pm. Dancing starts at 7.30pm.
Dances are called by club callers, walked through and then danced to music, usually on a CD, but occasionally live.
Bring your own refreshments for the interval.

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