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Quiz Night

Quiz Night

event dateFriday 4 April
venue addressSt. Benedict’s Church, Hunsbury Hill Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN4 9UG
event times
telephone 07836 732151 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Quiz Night

Are you ready to test your general knowledge, have some fun with your friends and in doing so help raise some funds for Friends of West Hunsbury Parks?

If the answer is yes! then please join us on Friday April 4th at St Benedict’s Church from 7.00pm.

As usual your ticket entry includes a light supper. Bar drinks are by donation, as are raffle tickets.

Interested? If so, please email friendsowhp@gmail.com to book your tickets and give us numbers for catering purposes.

More details on our web site, Facebook & Instagram.

We look forward to seeing you there.