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Trestle School Of Drama | Spring Holiday Workshops

Trestle School Of Drama | Spring Holiday Workshops

Beyond The Beanstalk…
For 8 -11 years
Tuesday 8 April | 10am – 3pm

Join Trestle School of Drama as we scale great heights to find out what really is at the end of the beanstalk!

Who knows what else is yet to be discovered, but be careful you never know what might be hiding in the clouds. Culminating in a performance of dizzying heights at the end of the day from 3pm.

One GIANT Mistake!
For 4-7 years.
Tuesday 15 April | 10am – 3pm

In a world of Giants and magic make sure you don’t stumble into the Giant’s lair! What magical things can be found within and can you escape without the giant noticing?!

Join Trestle School of Drama as we use drama skills and activities to meet with a Giant face to face, who knows what will happen next? Find out what we discovered in a performance from 3pm.

Why Trestle?

The longest-standing professional theatre company in St Albans, Trestle offers its participants the opportunity to work, learn and play at Trestle Arts Base inspiring them to build confidence, make friends, improve communication and explore their creativity.

With over 40 years of experience in arts and education and a wide range of expert specialists at our fingertips, Trestle is the perfect place to start your journey with drama and grow with us.
event dateTue 8 Apr, Tue 15 Apr
venue addressTrestle Arts Base Russet Dr St Albans, England, Hertfordshire AL4 0JQ
event timesTimes: 10am - 3.30pm
COST: £40 pp/pd Optional Early Drop off from 9am £5pp
telephone 01727850950 for latest times or cancellations.
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