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Stoller Story Sounds

Leo the Lion Reaches for the Stars

It’s nighttime on Jungle Island but Leo the Lion can’t sleep. He is distracted by the amazing night sky and his favourite star!

But wait a minute… his favourite star has gone missing! Stars don’t just disappear. What has happened to Leo’s favourite star? How can Leo get to space to find her?

Join Leo the Lion on his adventure across jungle island and beyond, asking for help from his jungle friends, accompanied by Storyteller Faz Shah, Illustrator Lizzie Finlay, Musician Beth Bishop and guest Musician Arran Kent.

Perfect for children aged 3-5 (and their grown ups!), our Stoller Story Sounds musical journeys will transport you to a beautiful world of new and exciting sights. An interactive session of music, art, storytelling and more.
event dateSaturday 12 April
venue addressThe Stoller Hall Hunts Bank, Manchester M3 1DA
event times£6 per child (one accompanying adult goes FREE).
£6 per additional adult.

Shows at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm
telephone 03331300967 for latest times or cancellations.
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