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Preston Drama Club presents The Haunting by Hugh Janes/Charles Dickens

Preston Drama Club presents The Haunting by Hugh Janes/Charles Dickens

The Haunting is a spine-chilling, traditional ghost story, with unexpected twists, turns, thrills and revelations.

The play, by Hugh Janes has been adapted from several original ghost stories written by Charles Dickens.

It tells the story of a young book dealer, employed to catalogue a library of rare books. A series of strange and unexplained events conspire to keep him from his work. His employer, however, is sceptical about the strange phenomena the book dealer is experiencing, but assists him to discover the source of the terrifying events…..

An amateur production by arrangement with Nick Hern Books
7.30pm. Tickets are £12 (£11 conc).
Preston Playhouse, Market St West, Preston, Lancashire PR1 2HB
Wed 13 Nov to Sat 16 November
Contact telephone: 01772 252288 Call to check latest times or cancellations.

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