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RSPB Illustrated Natural History Talk

venue addressWhite Hart Barn, Bay Path, Godstone, Surrey RH9 8DT
event dateWednesday 12 February
event times8.00pm until approx. 10.00pm. Admission £5, children £1. Refreshments at half-time. Visitors including non members of the RSPB are most welcome. On request, in return for a contribution to the RSPB we also give illustrated bird talks to local groups, schools, or youth clubs, plus we run a free monthly bird watching field trip and attend local community fairs.
telephone 07443 468547 Peter Baker for latest times or cancellations.
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RSPB Illustrated Natural History Talk

At the February meeting the talk is Tales from the Bush by Andy Skillen. More behind-the-scenes anecdotes of a professional wildlife photographer and documentary film maker
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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