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Bach, Handel, Haydn and more with Dorking Chamber Orchestra

venue addressSt Nicolas Church, Great Bookham, Surrey KT23 3PF
event dateSaturday 15 February
event times5.30pm (Please note start time)
Tickets at the door: £15, £8 (students), children (15 & under) free or via Eventbrite
Enquiries: info@thedco.co.uk
telephone 07918146149 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Bach, Handel, Haydn and more with Dorking Chamber Orchestra

Dorking Chamber Orchestra directed from the violin by Guy Button

Programme :
Handel: Water music suite 1
J S Bach: Violoin concerto in A minor
Saint-Georges: Symphony no. 1
Haydn: Symphony no. 47 (Palindrome)
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