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Tai Chi & Qigong for Health & Wellbeing in Burnley

venue addressSion Baptist Church, Church Street, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 2DW
event dateTue 14 Jan to Tuesday 11 March
event times10 - 11am Advanced booking is required - online booking - no fees no refunds or transfers
£6.50 payable in advance Please ring 0787 637 7321 during standard office hours

You can pay for the next week by contactless card payment in class. No cash payments

Free parking up to 2 hours on store car park
disabled parking only in car park allocated spaces - please ask
Entrance at back of the church
telephone 0787 637 7321 for latest times or cancellations.
Organised by Lighthouse Tai Chi®
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About this Event

Tai Chi & Qigong for Health & Wellbeing in Burnley

Beginners are always welcome to join our friendly group anytime. We currently have a waiting list for places -please contact Lighthouse for availability

The Hall overlooks a beautiful courtyard garden with lots of natural light. We aim to provide a safe and calm environment to support learning and relaxation.

This weekly session for adults includes both tai chi and qigong to boost the immune system, strengthen joints and tendons, improve balance and co-ordination, increase the internal strength of the body and provide a focussed way of dealing with stress.

Professional, experienced tuition with Lighthouse Tai Chi® instructors David & Helena, members of the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain.

Wondering what is tai chi or qigong? What to wear? How long will it take to learn? Etc?
Visit our website www.lighthousetaichi.com
Tai chi is gentle exercise but please check with your doctor if you have any health problem that may affect your ability to take part.
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