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Letchworth Howard Rotary Club

Meet like-minded people over a convivial meal. Enjoy fascinating talks on a wide range of topics. Be part of an international organisation that has played a major role in the near elimination of polio, supports relief work in disaster zones, and works in our local community for local causes.
Forget the stereotypes. Ignore the caricatures. Rotary is for everyone, for men, for women, for the young, for the retired, for all groups and creeds – maybe for you.
Partners are always welcome at meetings. An alternative social event sometimes replaces the regular meeting.
Broadway Hotel,
Letchworth Garden City,

Meeting times
1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays. 18:45
Email secretaryatletchworthrotary.org.uk

Contact telephone: 01462 685521
Email Letchworth Howard Rotary Club here

Current Events

Charity bridge drive
Letchworth Settlement Friday 28 March