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Stafford Flower Club

Meeting monthly on the 4th Wednesday, starting at 2.15 pm, for an afternoon of flowers and floral art at Rising Brook Methodist Church, Stafford, ST17 9DH with lots of parking spaces adjacent to the venue.

Demonstrators entertain us with their skill and chat, light refreshments served during the interval, and all arrangements are raffled at the end of the meeting.

Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arranging Societies (NAFAS), gives us access to some of the most exciting flower arranging demonstrators in the area. It also links us to opportunities to do workshops and arrange in other venues both locally and as far afield as Westminster Abbey.

We have an Annual Open Evening Meeting when tickets are sold for that Extra Special Demonstrator.

If you are interested in, or just enjoy flowers, this club is for you,
please contact our Chairman for further information on: 07985 602287
or drop us a line to: staffordflowerclub@gmail.com

Rising Brook Methodist Church Rising Brook Stafford ST17 9DH
Contact telephone: Our Chairman on 07985 602287
Email Stafford Flower Club here

Current Events

Stafford Flower Club - A Flower Arranging Demonstration
Wednesday 23 April Rising Brook Methodist Church Hall, Burton Square, Rising Brook, Stafford. (between the Coop Shop and The High School)