Founded in 1835, the ‘Lit & Phil’ holds fortnightly lectures at 7.30pm on Monday evenings from September to April, normally in the magnificent Victorian gallery of the Leicester Museum & Art Gallery. Lectures are also streamed on Zoom. The venue in 2024-25 is the equally fine Hansom Hall, Leicester LE1 6QL (pictured).
The lectures cover a broad range of topics in the arts, literature, natural history, philosophy and the sciences. The Society provides a forum in which members can listen, reflect, ask questions and chat informally with the speaker and other members of the audience afterwards over refreshments.
Members can also receive a copy of the annual Transactions containing illustrated summaries of all lectures.
The modest annual membership fee provides admission to around 14 events. Reduced rate for students. Non members can purchase tickets for individual lectures. Full programme and how to join are on the website.
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