Bethesda Methodist Church is located on the corner of Church Road and Avonvale Road, Redfield.
(We are just opposite "St Peter’s Hospice Charity Shop" and "Loaf bakery")
We hold regular Sunday Morning Methodist worship, usually on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 10.45, led by a local preacher or minister.
Join us as we worship God, sing hymns, pray and read the Bible together.
Our meetings last for 45 mins to 1 hour.
(Please note our Communion Wine is non alcoholic.)
All are welcome.
If our main entrance is closed, our side entrance can be found on Avonvale Road.
You can find us here:
Our spacious main hall is available for hire. We are always keen to welcome new classes and groups. For more information please contact the Church Office.
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