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Friends of Canons Park

We are a local voluntary group, formed in May 2003 to support Harrow Council’s bid for Heritage Lottery funding to restore Canons Park to its former glory. The bid was successful and by 2007 the work was completed, creating better pathways, repairing park buildings of historic interest, planting and maintaining trees and shrubs and restoring the beautiful George V walled Memorial Garden.

The Friends meet regularly and continue to work closely with the Council to maintain and improve facilities in the park. Past and current projects include: instigating the installation of an adventure playground; setting up the Good Friends Café at the centre of the park; organising litter picks and park gardening days; holding various annual events such as Fun Days and music recitals; donating bulbs and shrubs for planting in various sites to improve the landscape, and researching the history and archaeology of the Park and the original Canons Estate.

Donnefield Avenue entrance Canons Park HA8 6RH

Email Friends of Canons Park here