Newbury Rotary is an open and friendly club, currently with around 35 members representing all ages from early 30's upwards, from all walks of life and living in and around Newbury.
The one thing we all have in common is our wish to offer our skills and some of our spare time and energy to help others.
Rotary is all about "Service above Self".
We provide resources and support for local community groups.
We organise events and competitions that embrace the young, and the not so young, around Newbury.
We provide local fundraising and awareness creation support for global health, social welfare and disaster response campaigns such as End Polio Now, Rotary Shoebox Scheme and Water Survival boxes.
And we have fun and fellowship doing it!
We meet weekly on Mondays at 6pm at the Donnington Valley Hotel on the outskirts of Newbury.