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Savoy Theatre, Monmouth

The Savoy Theatre, Monmouth is a Grade II* listed building.
Run by the Monmouth Savoy Trust, and a team of volunteers, the theatre provides high quality, live performance as well as top-rated films. In 2012 the cinema became fully digital and further improvements have been made to sound and technical facilities.

The 1928 building is still entered through an altered late Georgian three-storey three-bay building. It is a fine and complete example of a richly detailed Ciné Variety house with a single balcony, a segmental vaulted ceiling with enriched ribs and grilles. and plaster panelled walls with garlanded figure medallions.
The three boxes at the rear of the circle are believed to be evident in only one other cinema in the whole of the UK

Church Street, Monmouth NP25 3BU
Contact telephone: 01600 772467
Email Savoy Theatre, Monmouth here