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St Marks Crescent Methodist Church

The Church lies to the West of Maidenhead with service to the local community at its heart.
Roughly 500 people per week use our buildings which provide space for a pre-school nursery, fitness/well being classes, music, drama & dance groups, craft club, uniformed organisations, educational courses, societies, charities, children's parties & Church activities.
We actively support a weekly Age Concern "Lunch Club," offering a place for refreshment and friendship to local residents.
We aim to develop our community facilities further and are raising funds for a 2020 Vision building project to support this objective.
The project will provide an enlarged multi-use welcome area seating up to 30, a multipurpose room for educational learning/new expressions of worship, separate kitchen/toilet facilities for nursery/children's groups and form a welcoming, comfortable & safe environment fit for the needs of our growing and diverse community.
[See www.stmarksmaidenhead.org.uk for info'].

Allenby Road, SL6 5BQ
Contact telephone: 01628623263
Email St Marks Crescent Methodist Church here

Current Events

Bazaar & Coffee Morning
St Marks Crescent Methodist Church, Allenby Road, Maidenhead Saturday 15 March
Monday Friends
Allenby Road, Maidenhead Monday 24 March
Quiz Evening
Woodlands Park Village Centre, Manifold Way Saturday 5 April