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East Bedfordshire Chamber Choir

We are a small chamber choir, formed of experienced singers in 2013, to help provide a choral pathway for young singers from East Beds Youth choir to progress.
The choir's aim is to provide high quality choral music to the local community, with a range of styles from renaissance and baroque to jazz, gospel and modern works. We have worked in collaboration with other local chambers choirs to sing a wider range of works. For example, with Cantamus to sing Rheinberger's Mass in E flat for double choir and Locrian Chamber Choir to sing Carmina Burana. We also have regular collaborations with Bedford Sinfonia for their summer Baroque concert series.
We meet on Thursday evenings, currently in Blunham, at 8pm, and would be happy to receive enquiries from all voice parts.

Providence Baptist Chapel, Park Lane, Blunham (near Sandy), Beds MK44 3NH

Email East Bedfordshire Chamber Choir here