Established now for over 8 years as a wellbeing & natural health centre, We Specialise in working with clients suffering from, but not inclusive to, Trauma, Parkinsons Disease, Strokes, Dementia, Autism, Cancer, Fibromyalgia, ME, MS, Stress, anxiety & Depression
Also Rehabilitation & Recovery for Disabilities, Amputees & Injuries using alternative therapies with Fully Qualified 7 insured Professional Therapists and Counsellors. Private Group respite & training days also available
Reduced Rates available for Children under 18 and Adults with Learning disabilities such as autism
We also offer training courses with qualified teachers, therapists and counsellors
Our venue in the heart of the Kent countryside surrounded by woodland includes a chef run cafe, coffee & crystal shop offering freshly ground coffee, teas including herbal teas, juices & soft drinks, salt room, function hall and many therapy rooms for customers to enjoy natural therapies, healing and massage treatments