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Today to Sat 12 Apr, By Distance closest first. Page 7

Information Lecture: Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path

Information Lecture:  Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path through the teaching of Bruno Groening - medically documented. Through the absorption of the divine power, many people are experiencing the..... more >
The Friends Meeting House 17 Woodville Road Ealing W5 2SE
Fri 28 Mar

80's Live

You’ve made it through the wilderness, somehow, you’ve made it through and now we’re never gonna give you up!... more >
Wyllyotts Theatre, Potters Bar, Wyllyotts Place, Darkes Lane EN6 2HZ

Join our choir in Ealing for a FREE taster session

Ever wondered if there is a 'local ladies choir near me or nearby'? The Ealing Rock Choir is led by local vocal tutor Nicola Cain... more >
Grange Primary School, Church Gardens, Ealing W5 4HN
Tue 25 Mar, Tue 13 May

Brentside Skate Club Term 2 – Get Your Skates On!

Hey Skaters, ready to carve out some new adventures? Whether you’re a total newbie looking to learn or a seasoned skater itching to level up. ... more >
Brentside High School, Greenford Avenue W7 1JJ
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Things to do around Stratford
